jueves, 13 de junio de 2013

Time Zones!!

Time Zones
Year:one revolution around the sun
Day:One complete rotation on it,s axis
A.M:Ante meridian,before the meridian
P.M:Post meridian ,after the meridian
G.M.T:Greenwich mean time
U.T:Universal time
 We,re going to answer this questions 
-How many time zones divide the earth¿?
The earth is divide in 24 time zones
-What is the distance(in degrees) between time zones¿?
The distance between one time zone to another is 15 seconds longtitudes
-What is the name of the city where we can find the prime meridian¿? -What is it longitud¿?
-Travels trought greenwich England and the longitud  is 180 degrees oposite the international datetime

jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

                           EARLY CIVILIZATIONS
The legend of Gilgamesh
Gilgamesh was half god and half human.He was bored and the gods saw him and they send to him a friend,first they had a bad impression but after they became very friends and they travel around the world.

Gods of ancient Mesopotamia
Tiamat:The primordial dragon goddes of creative chaos
She lived happily in the salt water below the mists of time,joined by aspu ,the wettest water god ever.

Ishtar:Sky goddes of sex ,fertility love and war.
 She's a feisty no-nonsense Goddess  and also the Evening Star with eight points. All of them good. Extremely popular.

                             Enki:Highly sexed beer loving sumerian creator god.
He was the first Sumerian deity to discover sex  while he was in his bath.
Marduk:Top babyloniam deity, fertility god and supreme hole leader.As the boss of Babylon and custodian of the Tablets of Destiny  was definitely a force to be reckoned with. Until he was stolen by Assyrians  causing a lot of aggravation with failed harvests and war. 
Apsu: God of sweet waters and the heavenly oceans of Wisdom.In the beginning this primordial deity encircled the Earth and filled it with optimistic goodness. 
Gilgamesh:Famous Sumerian and Akkadian Hero who was two thirds God, or was it one third?  
Nergal:A bit of a bully in bull form, with lots of bellowing, roaring and raping.
Anu: Top Sky God, Lord of Heaven and Supreme Manager of all the other Gods

 Inanna:Fabulous Goddess of Words, Language, Syntax and Meaning
It's all writing, innit? Having peeked at the Tablets of Destiny , she is an expert at persuasive nam-shub bery


Kingu:Dragon-god consort of tiamat before it all went horribly wrong
Zigurats: were massive structures built in the ancient Mesopotaminavalley and western Iranian plateu, having the form of a terraced step pyramid of successively receding stories or levels.
 Ziggurats were built by the Sumerians, Babylonians, Elamites, Akkadians and Assyrians for local religions. Each ziggurat was part of a temple complex which included other buildings.
The Babylonian Empire
 Babylonia: was an ancient Akkadian speaking Semetic nation state and cultural region based in central-southern Mesopotamia.

martes, 23 de abril de 2013

                                PREHISTORIC ART
a)The earliest forms of prehistoric art are extremely primitive.
 The lifestyles depend on hunting and foraging for food or later on pastoral agriculture.It is posible  that eearlier  people might  have decorated theire bodies and clothes or marked trees of featured in the landscape.but,if they did evidence of that art has not survived.
European cave and rockc art:
The cave and rock art of the later Old Stone Age or Upper Paleolithic is especially famous and has certain particular characteristics.In these oldersites, large pictures of animals are only rarely associated with human figures, whereas in more numerous. 
Animal association vary but compositions  including particular pairs of animals ,such as bison and horses in europe  or elephants and girafes in Africa,are known.On both continents mythical beasts including half animal, half human creatures are occasionally depicted. Portraits of people are rare and landscapes, plants, fruit, and flowers are unknown. 


martes, 5 de febrero de 2013

                          THE RIVER DANUBE

The river Danube has a surface of approximately 725.985 km ². The Danube crosses Europe from west to east.The river and his course includes parts of Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldavia and Ukraine. The basin of the Danube spreads in addition over the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro.
Approximately 60 of his 300 tributaries are navigable.
It is the Europe's  second longest river, after the Volga. It is born in the Black Jungle of Germany,with the union of two small rivers, the Brigach and the Breg.
It is navigable, raising the current from the Black Sea, for ships Transatlantic up to Bräila (Romania) and for fluvial crafts up to the city of Ulm (Germany), to a distance of approximately 2.575 km.
The Danube flows through important cities as Ulm, Ingolstadt and Regensburg in Germany; Linz and Vienna in Austria; Bratislava in Slovakia; Budapest.

Length(Km) Right side Both sides Left side
Country km % km % km %
Germany 687,00 658,6 23 658,6 36 687,0 24
Austria 357,50 357,5 12 321,5 18 321,5 11
Slovakia 172,06 22,5 1 22,5 1 172,1 6
Hungary 417,20 417,2 14 275,2 15 275,2 10
Croatia 137,50 137,5 5 0,0 0 0,0 0
Serbia 587,35 449,9 16 220,5 12 358,0 12
Romania 1.075,00 374,1 13 319,6 18 1.020,5 35
Bulgaria 471,55 471,6 16 0,0 0 0,0 0
Moldavia 0,57 0,0 0 0,0 0 0,6 0
Ukraine 53,94 0,0 0 0,0 0 53,9 2

martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012

Activity 1: Write a definition for Atmosphere and describe it explaining the names of its different layers and the most important characteristics of each layer.
  The atmospherte  is the layer of gases that sorrounds the Earth and makes life possible on the planet.It extends for thousands of kilometres.Its composition is mainly nitrogen and oxygen but also argon ,carbon dioxide and other gases (hydrogen,ozone,methane and water vapour)
  Exosphere:outer limit of the atmosphere,which begins at an altitude of 500 km
Thermosphere:80-500 km altitude temperatures can reach over 1 000ºC
Mesosphere:50-80 km altitude.Temperatures drop quickly,falling as low as-90 ºc
Stratosphere:10-50 km altitude temperatures start to rise from 20 km upwards due to ozone,a gas that  stopts  harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun from reaching the Earths surface
Trotosphere.the layer closest to the earth lees than 10 km high.It is essential for life on earth.It is composed of air and water  vapour and is where rain,snow,etc.occur.It acts as an insulator ,retaining some of the heat emitted by the Erths surface 
Activity 2: Explain the differences between weather and climate. What is the Climatology?
Weather:Is the result of atmospheric conditions at a certain place and time
Climate: Is the result of average atmospheric conditions in a certain region over a long period of time
Climatology is the science of climate ,the study of the climatic elements and the factors that affect it.Meteorology is the study of atmospheric phenomena

Activity 3: The elements of climate
- Write a short description of each the following concepts.
- Search and paste images related to each of these concepts.
- Temperature :Is the amount of heat in the air.We measure it with a thermomether and express it in degrees centigrade
- Precipitation:Is water from the atmosphere that falls into the earths surface in the form rain,snow,sleet or hail
- Atmospheric pressure:Is the preessure  that the atmosphere weight exerts on the earth surface

- Wind :Is  air that moves from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure to balance differences it atmospheric pressure acroos the planet
 Activity 4: The Earth´s climates. Write a description of the different climates of the Earth explaining its most important characteristics: Tropical (Equatorial, Humid Tropical and Hot deset), Temperate (Mediterranean, HYumid Sub-Tropical, Maritime, Continental), and Cold (Polar and Alpine).
 Equatorial: Temperatures are high troughout the year .The mean anual temperature is over 25ºc 
Humid tropical:Temperatures are high troughout the year.The mean annual temperature is over 20ºc
Hot deset:Temperatures are high .The  mena annual temperature is over 20ºc .There is a pronunceded difference between day and night temperatures 
Mediterranean:Temperatures are mild in winter  and hot is summer . The mean annual temperature  varies between 10ºc and 20ºc .
Humid sub-tropical climate:Temperatures are similar to the mediterranean climate.Precipitation is over 1 000mm annually .
Maritime:Temperatures are moderate throughout  the year mild in winter and cool in summer .The mean annual temperature varies  between 10ºc and 18ºc
Continental:Temperatures are very cold in winter and hot in summer .The mean annual temperature varies between 0ºc and 10ºc
Polar:Temperatures are very low,not exceending 0ºc  except  in some places in the summer.The mean annual temperature is below 0ºc
Alpine:Temperatures fall with altitude   winters  are cold and summers cool. Precipitation increasses with altitude .

Activity 5: Write a definition for the following concepts:
- Torrential(Of rainfall)sudden intense
- ModerateAverage in quantity intensity or degree
- Scarce
- CrackNarrow opening in rock,soil or any solid body
- BurrowHole or tunel in the ground made by an animal
- HibernationThe long,deep sleep some animals fall into during the winter,when their vital  functions are reduced to a minimun
- SpinTurn around quickly
- OverflowFlow over the top or sides
- LivestockFarm animals like cowa sheeps,pigs
- HugeVery big,enormous
- Storm Heavy  rain with strong winds,thunder and lightning    

Activity 6: Write a short essay explaining the way animals adapt to their environment. 
Adaptation to cold:Some animals have a trick coat or layer of fat.Some such as bears have a period of hibernation to survive the cold winters
Adaptation to water:Some animals,such as frogs can only live in areas where water is abundant others  like camels,have adapted to survive with  very little water 
Activity 7: Atmospheric phenomena and natural hazards. Describe this words and post some pictures showing the consequences of these phenomena:
- Hurricanes: hurricane is a tropical cyclone, occurring in the North Atlantic Ocean or the Northeast Pacific Ocean, east of the International Dateline. A wind of force 12 on the Beaufort scale, above 118 km/h, is also referred to as a hurricane irrespective of its origin or location
- Hail:Hail is a form of solid precipitation. It consists of balls or irregular lumps of ice, each of which is referred to as a hail stone.
- Torrential rain:Rain which comes down "like a torrent." It simply means very heavy rain. Rain which is liable to cause flooding
- Drought:A drought is an extended period of months or years when a region notes a deficiency in its water supply whether surface or underground water
- Forest fires
:High temperature increasse the risk of forest temperatures